Application deadline date has been passed for this Job.


  • Post Date:October 6, 2020
  • Views 1612
0 Applications
Job Description

The Workers’ Compensation Fund Control Board (WCFCB) is a social security scheme responsible for compensating workers in respect of accidents suffered and diseases contracted during the course of employrnent in accordance with the provisions of the Workers’ Cornpensation Act No. 10 of 1999 of the Laws of Zambia.

The Workers’ Compensation Fund Control Board invites applications from suitably qualified Zambian citizens to fill the following vacant position:



To plan, control and coordinate all plantations’ silvicultural operations in an effective manner in order to achieve targeted performance levels and in line with the Board’s Investment Policy and forest management standards. To conduct compliance and service delivery functions in line with the Workers’ Compensation Act No. 10 of 1999.


  • Controls, coordinates and monitor the execution of silvicultural operations to ensure conformity with set plantation programs designed to achieve the desired quantity and quality of timber products.
  • Supervises and monitors tree felling by contractors to ensure strict adherence to specifications. Conducts physical assessments of all plantation damages and submits findings to management for scrutiny.
  • Liaises with the Contractors on all forestry activities.
  • To carry out registration of employers with the Board.
  • To provide estimates earnings of workers for correct assessment year in order to establish provisional assessment on workers anticipated earnings within prescribed rate for a particular class of business.
  • Inspects employers records in and out to ensure compliance with the WCFCB Act.
  • Visits employers and enlightens them on the WCFCB Act to ensure compliance.
  • Revenue collection.
  • To report on closed companies.
  • To prepare regular reports/submission of daily returns.
  • To conduct employer sensitization sessions.
  • Any other duties as may be assigned.


Candidates must have the following:

  • Grade Twelve (12) Certificate with five (5) credits or better which should include English and Mathernatics.
  • Bachelor of Science in Forestry or equivalent.
  • Must have valid Driving Licence.
  • At Ieast three (3) years relevant work experience.


  • Ability to keep up to date with legislative and policy changes.
  • Self-motivation and initiative.
  • Adaptability to computing systems as operated by the organisation from time to time and an awareness of relevant technological applications.
  • Customer service.
  • Relationship management.
  • Integrity.
  • Excellence.
  • Corporate Citizenship.
  • Oral communication skills.
  • Written communication skills.
  • Analytical skills.
  • Numerical/computation skills.
  • Problem solving skills.
  • Customer services skills.

Applications with detailed Curriculum Vitae with traceable referees, certified copies of all relevant academic and Professional certificates, copy of National Registration Card (NRC) or Passport to support your application with contact details indicating day time telephone/mobile numbers should be submitted to the following address later than 16th October, 2020.

Manager – Human Resources and Administration

Workers’ Compensation Fund Control Board

Corner Broadway / Moffat Road

Compensation House

P.O. Box 71534
