Stock Keeper

Application deadline date has been passed for this Job.

Stock Keeper

  • Post Date:January 24, 2022
  • Views 1565
1 Applications
Job Description
  • To receive the materials ordered by the purchase department
  • To ensure the correctness in the quality, quantity, specifications, condition of the materials received from vendors.
  • To stock the materials received from vendors properly as to ensure easy access identification, verification, handling, maintenance etc.
  • To ensure proper stocking of materials by using appropriate method of care and preservation to avoid any damage and loss.
  • To ensure a smooth issue of materials to the issue department.
  • To ensure accurate accounting of the materials receiver and issued.
  • To ensure a favorable working atmosphere is maintained for the personnel working in the store.
  • To ensure proper safety measures are taken for the safety of the store building, materials in the store and the men working in the store.
  • To ensure that the store is always maintained up to date in all respects in a presentable condition


Diploma/ Certificate in Purchasing and Supply/or Related Field

2+ Years of Working experience

Good communication skills

Good Command of Microsoft office packages